Health, Safety, Environment & Quality

Our Commitment to Health, Safety, Environment and Quality are fundamental to the success of our business and embedded into all levels of our organization. Having worked with multiple Service Companies and Operators In various locations, we understand the level of vigor required to deliver all operations safely, economically, efficiently and reliably.

Taranaki Thru Tubing Tool’s client focused, integrated management system, is built on globally applied, non-negotiable policies, processes and procedures to increase service quality, safety, and reliability, while ultimately managing risks for our customers.

Our HSEQ management system meets national and international criteria and has been certified to;

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 45001:2018
ISO 14001:2015
Integrated Management System Policy

Competency Training

We comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice. We invest in ongoing competency training for all our organization and all our operational personnel are trained to the highest standards. Mandatory training includes;

First Aid and CPR
Fire Safety & Evacuation
Working At Heights
Permit to Work (PTW)
BOSIET/HUET for offshore work
Level 1-4 IWCF Well Intervention certification

ZERO LTI Recorded

While we strive for flawless execution, we believe that excellence cannot be achieved unless we stride towards it safely. To date, we have achieved ZERO recordable Lost Time Injury (LTI) globally – a testament to our focus in keeping the people and environment around us safe.

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